Search for McVities gave 6 hits. Select display view Select display view Sorting Product name A-Z Product name Z-A Lowest price Highest price Newest Oldest Article number A-Z Article number Z-A McVities Digestives Dark Chocolate 266g Semi-sweet biscuit with a dark chocolate coating. 410013 45 kr / pc. Stock status19 pc. in stock Buy McVities Digestives Milk Chocolate 266g Semi-sweet biscuit with a milk chocolate coating, popular for tea dunking. 410015 46 kr / pc. Stock status12 pc. in stock Buy McVities Fruit Shortcake Biscuits 200g Round shortcake biscuit filled with currants. 410016 38 kr / pc. Stock status12 pc. in stock Buy McVities Hobnobs Dark Choc 262g Oat and wheat biscuit with a dark chocolate coating. 410019 45 kr / pc. Stock status10 pc. in stock Buy McVities Hobnobs Milk Choc 262g Oat and wheat in a biscuit with a milk chocolate coating. 410020 46 kr / pc. Stock status16 pc. in stock Buy McVities Rich Tea Classic 300g Sweet biscuit perfect for dunking with a cup of tea. 410023 54 kr / pc. Stock status10 pc. in stock Buy