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Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles 143g
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Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles 143g
Country: United Kingdom | Vegan | Best Before Date: 31st August 2025
English Ingredients
Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Gelatine, Gum Arabic, Modified Starch, Concentrated Fruit Juice (1%) (Blackcurrant, Orange, Lime, Lemon, Strawberry), Acids (Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid), Acidity Regulator (Trisodium Citrate), Colours (Anthocyanins, Curcumin, Beta-Carotene, Copper Complexes of Chlorophyllins), Flavourings. Store in a cool dry place. Best Before End: See bottom. Imported by Albion Imports Sweden AB.
Swedish Ingredients
Ingredienser: Socker, glukossirap, gelatin, gummi arabiska, modifierad stärkelse, koncentrerad fruktjuice (1%) (svarta vinbär, apelsin, lime, citron, jordgubb), syror (äppelsyra, citronsyra, mjölksyra), surhetsregulator (trisodiumcitrat) , färgämne (antocyaniner, curcumin, betakaroten, kopparkomplex av klorofylliner), smaksättning. Förvaras svalt och torrt. Bäst före: se botten. Importeras av Albion Imports Sweden AB.